Bradford: 01274 452000
Halifax: 01422 430000
Huddersfield: 01484 477600
Leeds: 0113 848 0000
London: 020 7689 7689
Manchester: 0161 960 0600
Newcastle: 0191 570 0000
- Offices/Leisure Premises
- 9,252 Sq Ft (859.75 Sq M)
- Town Centre Location
- Private Parking
- Suitable for a Variety of Uses (STPP)
The property briefly comprises a three storey concrete framed office building with ashlar stone clad piers to the front elevation, mosaic tiled floor bands and brick cladding to the rear elevation. The property provides 3 floors of offices with a combination of open plan and private offices served by a passenger lift together with internal garage/store accessed via a loading door from the rear car park. Externally there is a car park/forecourt to the front and car parking to the rear with 34 marked parking spaces.
The property sits on an approximate site area of 0.465 acres (0.19 Hectares).
All mains services are connected to the property. These services have not been tested and interested parties are advised to satisfy themselves as to their condition and suitability.