Bradford: 01274 452000
Halifax: 01422 430000
Huddersfield: 01484 477600
Leeds: 0113 848 0000
London: 020 7689 7689
Manchester: 0161 960 0600
Newcastle: 0191 570 0000
The site has a semi-rural aspect, tree lined to the South, split in to two linear development tranches served by the road off Burn Road. The newly built houses to the immediate north of the site are large luxury houses which have all sold off plan.
The Outline Planning Consent which has been granted includes a submitted plan showing an indicative layout that provided 35 units.
The total site benefits from Outline Planning Permission subject to the agreement of a S.106 (Application Ref: 2019/60/94051/W) for the development of up to 39 dwellings. The land being sold is shown on the associated plan edged in red. Full details of the Planning Application and Decision Notice including relevant drawings are available for inspection via the Planning Portal on the Local Authority Website using the Planning Application Reference Number.